You have found the website of the Missionary Church in Freeman, SD. Thanks for visiting.
We have had the joy of serving in Freeman, and the surrounding community, for over 50
years. In fact, in Sept. of 2019, we celebrated our 50th anniversary. For more go to the
'celebrating 50 years' page, or click right here
Here at the Missionary Church we celebrate the love of God and new life in Christ through worship and praise; we cultivate personal growth in Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and study; we care about one another in Jesus Christ through demonstrations of genuine concern and sharing of ourselves with one another; we
communicate Jesus Christ to the world through one on one relationships, community outreach ministries, and world missions.
This is an exciting place to be. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, whether early on in investigating God, a long time follower of Jesus, or anywhere in between we would love to have you be a part of our church family!
“Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you” - Mark 5:19.
A part of your story – a major part of your story is one of depending on God. You are totally dependent on Him for your salvation, and hopefully, you have proven Him faithful through the years as you have relied on Him for His provision and for His leading. Tell your story of dependence and the blessings that have accompanied that dependence.